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BLRS 2010 International Conference Call for Abstracts ends 25th September

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Public Sector

Academy for Sustainable Communities - ASC is the national centre for delivering the skills and knowledge needed to make better places.

ACG - Australian Centre for Geomechanics. The ACG is a not-for-profit mining research centre based at The University of Western Australian in Perth.

BURA - The British Urban Regeneration Association. BURA was formed in 1990 to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, experience and information for the emerging regeneration sector.

CABERNET - CABERNET (Concerted Action on Brownfield and Economic Regeneration Network) is the European Expert Network addressing the complex multi-stakeholder issues that are raised by brownfileld regeneration.

CELR - Center for Excellence in Land Reclamation is part of RegenWM - Regeneration Excellence in the West Midlands - to develop a clearer understanding of the issues surrounding land reclamation in order to increase the quality and extent of brownfield regeneration.

CLAIRE - Contaminated Land Applications in Real Environments. An organisation to ensure that cost-effective land remediation techniques are tested under real site conditions for the benefit of the UK economy and environment.

CLARRC - Contaminated Land Assessment and Remediation Research Centre. A research centre based at the University of Edinburgh.

DEFRA - UK Govt. body: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Depatment for Communities and Local Government - The government department that took over responsibility from ODPM. Aims to foster prosperous and cohesive communities, offering a safe, healthy and sustainable environment for all.

English Partnerships - The National regeneration agency supporting high quality sustainable growth in England.

Environment Agency - The main public body responsible for protecting and improving the Environment in England and Wales.

EPP Publications - EPP Journal Publications (UK), who publish: Land Contamination and Reclamation, plus Environmental Waste Management. Site includes lists and abstracts of all papers published in these journals.

European Environment Agency - Founded by the EU in 1993 with a mandate to orchestrate, cross check and put into strategic use information of relevance to the protection and improvement of Europe's environment.

Forest Research - The research agency of the Forestry Commission, they are Britain's principal organisation for forestry and tree related research, conducting research and providing technical advice on establishing greenspace on brownfield, degraded and contaminated land.

Land Regeneration Network - Promoting sustainable practices in land management and industrial waste sectors in Wales.

Land Restoration Trust - Responsible for tackling enduring derliction across England.

mineralsUK - MineralsUK is the British Geological Survey's (BGS) Centre for Sustainable Mineral Development. Run by the BGS Economic Minerals Programme, the Centre is a global leader in the compilation, provision and analysis of mineral statistics and the major UK national provider of spatial and statistical minerals information. We also carry out research in areas directly relevant to our user community, such as metallogenesis, land-use impacts of mineral extraction and geomaterials.

NICOLE - The Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe (NICOLE). Gateway for contaminated land information in Europe.

SAGTA - Soil and Groundwater Technology Association of the UK.

SEIA - Scottish Environmental Industries Association Formed in 1995 to promote the work of its member businesses all of whom are active in the fields of environmental technologies and services.


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