Systainable and benificial reuse of land
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What is the BLRS?

The BLRS (British Land Reclamation Society) is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary organisation concerned with the reclamation, rehabilitation and restoration of land, including contaminated, derelict and abandoned land from mineral working and former urban and industrial uses.

  • act as a forum for the discussion of issues concerning land reclamation and related topics
  • promote the best possible practice and research in the fields in which the society is active
  • advance international co-operation in the fields in which the society is active
  • organise meetings and other events in order to further the above aims

The BLRS has been a Registered Charity (No. 1042784) since 1994, and has been operating within the sector in the UK since 1987. In its original guise the organisation was known as REGRO, and operated under the same fundamental aims. The BLRS came into being in 1992 and has been working at the forefront of land reclamation in the UK ever since. This has included international conferences in 1998 and 2003, organised with the National Land Regeneration Panel or NLRP.

The NLRP was formed in 1972 (formerly the Standing Local Authority Officers Panel on Land Reclamation and National Land Reclamation Panel), and open to all Local Authorities and Public Sector organisations. Due to the parallel aims and close working between the two organisations a Memorandum of Understanding was entered into in 2005. This has provided a strong, mutually beneficial coalition of public and private land reclamation and brownfield land regeneration practitioners.

Looking to the future

This joint working has seen a range of organisations approached to develop strong links to raise the profile of land reclamation and its pivotal role in regeneration. This has included ODPM (now Department for Communities and Local Government), Environment Agency, English Partnerships, BURA, Groundwork, and CABE Space. A significant outcome of this has been an invitation by English Partnerships to both the Panel and the Society to be members of their Brownfield Land Forum.

The close working and similar aims of the two sister organisations has lead to the merging of the BLRS and NLRP. This merger between the British Land Reclamation Society and the National Land Regeneration Panel will form a major platform for our professional voice in land reclamation and regeneration in the UK. Organisational issues and restructuring need to be completed, but more formal announcements will be made during 2008.


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